Our Ethos is one of Working together, Learning together and having fun together to grow together!

About us DEMO


We offer care and support for children with emotional and behavioural difficulties

We believe that a strong sense of feeling valued, wanted and cared about is the foundation for us developing into sound and resilient adults. Therefore this forms the foundation of the home.

Who We Are

We love what we do and it shows. We place children at the heart of our work in order to create the best residential experience possible. Throughout a placement within our Home, children will experience a safe, nurturing and empowering environment, boundaries and structured care, delivered by qualified, skilled staff who provide close supervision.

 Strategies & Plans

Every child is unique. Our aim is to provide children with planned, 52-week care, with Behaviour Support Plans or Pathway to Independence Plans when appropriate, and individually tailored Education and skills-based work programmes, working closely with external educational provisions 

Services We Provide


The whole ambience of our Homes is designed to encourage warmth and stability, creating a safe and homely environment where children can develop a sense of belonging.

Therapeutic Support

Our homes offer a therapeutic environment, in that, they offer a nurturing and supportive home and our staff are well trained and encouraged to develop supportive and therapeutic relationships with the children.


Our homes support each child's learning and development as recorded in their relevant plans through working together with Local authorities, schools, further education and training facilities, alongside and relevant specialist support the child may require.

Behaviour Support

Our belief is that children behave well when they feel valued, supported, respected and happy. We aim to establish positive relationships and clear professional and personal boundaries

Aim For Excellence 

We are passionate about the quality of care and support we provide to the children, not only during their placement with us but also beyond their stay. We strive to impact the lives of the children positively, this will reflect in their relationships with friends and family, their education, health and emotional well being and their development into adults that contribute positively to their society

Expert Team

Our staff team are carefully recruited inline with Safer Recruitment guidelines. Staff are provided with excellent induction training and ongoing support and training ensuring that they are continually developed and challenged in their role. This ensures that our staff are competent and confident in their role.

Quality Guaranteed

Our services are regulated by OFSTED
We work to wards an outstanding scale in all we do.
We have a combination of external and internal checks on  a regular basis, ensuring that our standards are continually upheld at a high standard.

Meet Our Team

Our homes aim to have strong working relationships with partner agencies and schools that ensure the best possible care, experiences and futures for the children.
We are passionate that the experience of living in our homes enhances children's life chances by placing the well-being of individual children at the centre of our practice.
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